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Terms of Condition

1: Organizer / travel guarantee
Hi North AS is the organizer of the trip with responsibilities as further specified below.

2: Registration / payment 
Registration must be done online via the booking system or directly to the organizer via email (applies to groups). Some events can also be ordered via the order portal at various partners.

Registration is first binding for both parties when booking and payment has been received. For events under NOK 10.000 the amount is due for payment in full vhen ordering. For events over NOK 10.000, 50% is due forpayment at the time of order. Remaining minimum 60 days before completion date.

From this point on, the travel agreement between the parties applies, and the conditions of the organizer are valid. The organizer is then responsible for delivering them products / events you have ordered, at the same time as you become economical responsible for the order. The moment you place an order, you confirm while you have the authority to accept on behalf of yourself and possibly travel companion. You accept responsibility for payment being made to us for all travelers in your entourage. You are responsible for ensuring that the reservation is following order. As a customer, you are also obliged to ensure that everyone’s name documents are correct according to the passports of all travelers in your entourage. You will also be responsible for ensuring that everyone in your party is kept full informed about what has been ordered and about any changes.

3: Cancellation from the customer 
Cancellation must be made in writing (by letter or e-mail). Depending on when we receive the cancellation, we will refund the price of the trip minus the percentage below to cover our losses in connection with the cancellation.

Cancellation costs are settled according to the following rates:

3.1. Group bookings, 10 participants or more in an order:
– More than 60 days before departure: Full refund
– 59 – 30 days before departure: 50% refund
– Less than 30 days and in case of no-show: No refunds
Reduction of the group within 10% is acceptable (min 10 participant applies)

3.2. For individual bookings, 1-9 participants in an order:
– If canceled up to 8 days before activity: 90% refund
– If canceled 0-7 days before activity or no attendance: No refund

3.3. Package tours/longer tours:
– More than 60 days before departure: Full refund
– 59-30 days before departure: 50% refund
– Less than 30 days and in case of no-show: No refund

Cancellation of a trip must be made in writing to
For the refund of amounts, we must have information about name, address, nation, account number, name, and address of bank. Information about BIC / SWIFT and IBAN are needed for refunds to bank accounts outside Norway.

2. For individual bookings, 1-9 participants
in an order:
– If canceled up to 8 days before activity: 90% refund
– If canceled 0-7 days before activity or no attendance: No refund
For the refund of amounts, we must have information about name, address, nation, account number, name, and address of bank. Information about BIC / SWIFT and IBAN are needed for refunds to bank accounts outside Norway.

4: Interruption
If a participant must cancel an event, the organizer is not responsible for additional costs because of the interruption. In such cases refer to the participant’s private travel insurance. Participant also has no requirements on reimbursement of all or part of the tour cost.

5: The organizer’s responsibility
Hi North AS is the responsible operator. The company acts on behalf of other companies and accommodations that are part of tour arrangements and cannot be held responsible for anything related to the above, or delays or losses, damages, or costs due to circumstances beyond our control. We also reserve the right to, regarding participants’ safety and comfort, to adjust the tour program along the way. Tour participants must be prepared for possible adjustments in the program; however, the organizer will try to complete the trip as close to what is described as possible. The organizer reserves the right to use other means of transport and accommodations than stated in the program.

6: Participant’s responsibility
The participant is responsible for familiarizing himself in the program and assess whether they are physically and mentally fit to participate the arrangement. The participant is obliged to report any health conditions that may have significance and possibly consult a doctor. The participant must bring the necessary equipment and clothing, comply with the rules of order and instructions given by the organizer. Hi North AS reserves the right to refuse participation in a trip if the requirements are not satisfied, the participant is a threat to security for himself or is a great embarrassment to the other tour participants. The participant must then himself bear the cost of travel home and will not receive a refund for all or part of the arrangement. The participant can in special cases be made liable for damages.

7: Price changes
We reserve the right to change prices without notice. The price of the trip can only be changed up to 20 days before departure as a result unannounced changes in government fees, and taxes, or transport costs. If such a price increase amounts to more than 10% of the price of the trip the customer, the right to cancellation with full refund.

8: Cancellation / program change
The organizer reserves the right to cancel any departure until the departure date due to forceThe organizer reserves the right to cancel any departure until the departure date due to force majeure, weather conditions or similar circumstances that are beyond the organizer’s control and make impossible the completion of the journey. The organizer also reserves the right to cancel departures where the minimum number of trips has not been met. Should one cancellation occur based on the above conditions the refund is limited up to the amount paid by the customer to the organizer. Beyond this, the participants are not entitled to compensation.

9: Complaints and claims
If the traveler thinks he has reason to complain at the event, the relationship must be demonstrated along the way for Hi North AS personnel who will try to correct any errors. Furthermore, claims or objections must be submitted in writing form to Hi North A/S within 30 days after the incident occurred. Default in this connection may mean that the incident may affect the customer’s rights. Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, the customer’s claim is time barred if case has not started within two years after the trip ended.If the customer thinks the organizer’s answer is unreasonable, you can bring the case before the Package Travel Committee NRF, PO Box 2924, within four weeks Solli, 0230 Oslo.

10: Jurisdiction and legal proceedings
Any lawsuit against the organizer must be regulated under Norwegian law. The buyer accepts Oslo District Court as the Venue.

11: Insurance
The organizer is insured for liability through his insurance agent. We have provided a guarantee to the Travel Guarantee Fund, box 227 Sentrum, 4001 Stavanger, in accordance with the Package Travel Act.The organizer emphasizes that participation in the company events take place at the participants’ own risk. The organizer does not undertake responsibility for financial consequences of possible accidents / injuries that may occur during settlement of the events. Members of Norsk Folketrygd with residential address in Norway should have a combination travel / accident insurance. Other participants are advised to take out a similar insurance policy at their place of residence. Most year-round Travel insurance also includes a cancellation insurance.

12: Printing error
Reservations are made for printing errors on Hi Norths’ website or facebook page, as well as in print or other writing material.

13: Photography
As a participant in trips organized by Hi North AS one can be photographed either by the tour guide or by other participants. These The images can be used in our publications, in social media or on our websites. If you want to reserve yourself to be photographed, you must inform tour guide about this, preferably when the tour starts.