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Privacy policy

This privacy statement details the information we collect from the users of our website and how we use it.

Hi North AS aims to treat all personal information with respect and caution. Based on functionality and user experience, we collect information from those who visit and interact with our website. We use this information to improve our website, to monitor usage patterns, and to customize the contents displayed. To do this, we use small data packets called cookies.

By using our website, you are agreeing to the use of browser cookies.

Cookies are a standard Internet technology used by many websites. A cookie is placed in your browser’s memory, which allows us to better understand how you use our website, and to offer you a better experience when you visit our website in the future.

Many new browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, are set to automatically accept cookies essential for website functionality. (Browsers increasingly default to reject third-party cookies.) If you do not wish to accept cookies or restrict the types of cookies that you do accept, you can change your browser’s preference settings. Please note that this may impair the performance of our website on your browser.

Website owner and contact information
This website is owned, developed, and operated, by

Hi North AS
Ytterøra 23
NO-8656 Mosjøen
Tel. +47 989 01 249

On our website, we use the following cookies for the purposes specified below:

Source: Google Analytics

Purpose: Gather information about how visitors use our website. We use this information to generate analytical reports that help us to further improve the website. Cookies collect only anonymous information, such as the number of website visitors, in which country or region they are located, and which of our pages they have visited.

You can read more about cookies and Google Analytics here:

These analytical tools give us access to statistics where we, for instance, can see which of our pages (such as our Order or Contact Form) have been visited as a result of an advertising campaign. Once again: all such information is anonymized.

Facebook Pixel
Facebook Pixel is used to measure the effect of advertising. By tracking the actions, we can improve our advertising campaigns and reach custom audiences through follow-up marketing. (Facebook Pixels is also used for Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.)

Contact form
When you fill out our contact form, we store your information in our database. This information will be stored for as long as it is deemed relevant for us to provide you with better customer service. However, we make every effort not to store your details longer than necessary.

Website statistics
To optimize and further develop our website, we gather necessary information about your visit to This includes information about which browser you use, as well as operating system, type of device, screen size and the duration of your visit. This information is stored with third parties such as Google Analytics, for the period specified by these services. The information is used only for internal review in connection with website optimization and is never shared with any third parties.

Personal Information
When you become a customer of Hi North, you register your name, telephone, address and other necessary information. We use this information only as part of our customer relationship with you, e.g., for processing your bookings, responding to your inquiries, and for follow-up.

We store this information for the duration of your customer relationship with Hi North. At any time, you have the right to access, correct and delete your customer data. Unless you request otherwise, we may store your data for a time also after the customer relationship ends, in case you should need this historical data.

Responsible data processor
At all times, the General Manager of Hi North AS is responsible for the processing of collected personal data. This person is responsible for ensuring that internal controls are carried out regarding the processing of personal data, as well as reporting any deviations from current guidelines and legislation.

We always strive to comply with current privacy regulations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at, or by calling us at tel. +47 989 01 249.

Should you discover any discrepancy between our Privacy Policy and Hi North’s services, or any services provided by our company, we would be grateful if you notify us by email:

How to manage your browser cookies
You can read about how to configure your browser to accept/reject cookies and get tips for safer use of the Internet at